Sleep Workshop

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Sleep Workshop


Soporific Practices for Somnolent Slumbers

In this lovely one day online workshop for my sleep deprived friends we will learn about the anatomy of sleep and sleep nourishment through the lens of both traditional and modern medical sciences. We will gather tools to help ourselves find rest as well as working with chronically sleep deprived clients
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When: April 6th, 2025
Where: Zoom, feel free to wear pajamas
Time: 10am-5:00pm (Pacific/west coast time)
CEs:  6

In this class we will discuss:

• Chemistry of sleep
(oh lovely hormone cascade)

• Health and sleep
(hint, we need sleep to be healthy; but you already know that, let’s dig in)

• Sleep disrupters
(well this just doesn’t fit in a parenthetical - so many, in so many different categories)

• Daily habits and sleep hygiene
(I promise I’m not just going to tell you to stop staring at screens)

• Ye Olde Apothecary
(oh lovely herbs)

• Ye Newe Apothecary
(hi there pharmaceuticals)

• Exercise
(I can’t exercise because I’m too tired from not sleeping but I can’t sleep because I didn’t exercise hell loop)

• Massage and Yoga
(client assessment rooted in above understandings, adjusting sessions)

Instructor: I am Naj; your primary instructor for this program. I have spent much of my life chronically sleep deprived for a huge variety of reasons. Being a medicine geek and traditional medicine practitioner, I have sleepily spent many an hour reading about sleep, trying different approaches, talking to people, and just learning all I can about sleep. Now I want to share, because too many people are sleep deprived. I am the director, founder, instructor, and dish washer of The Naga Center, which I started in 2005. Basically, I am the Naga Center (and much of this website is written first person, in my voice). I have been a massage therapist since I was 21 years old (born in '69, so you can do the maths), and have been traveling to Thailand regularly since 1998 to study traditional Thai Herbal medicine and bodywork and lived there for two years while writing my books on Thai medical theory and herbalism. You can learn bunches more about me here.