Thai Abdominal Massage Workshop

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Thai Abdominal Massage Workshop


Deep Thai abdominal massage training including use of Thai oils, liniments, and herbal compresses. In this two day in-person workshop we will review the anatomy and physiology of our amazing viscera as we learn to do deep healing abdominal massage. Class also includes herb lore for digestion.

NOTE: Registration for the NYC class by following this link. Registration through the button below is only for Oregon workshop

Class dates:

Class will include:
• Learning to give a full deep visceral bodywork session in the Thai tradition
• Organ anatomy and physiology
• Use of oils, liniments and hot herbal compresses for abdominal massage
• Thai herbs for digestive health and well being
• Daily traditional chanting
• All the lovely unpredictable bits that make each class unique

Upcoming Workshops

November 18th - 19th, 2024
Time: 10 am - 5:30 pm
Location: Gresham OR (just outside of Portland)
CEs: 14, NCBTMB approved course

New York
December 3-5, 2024
Time: 9 am - 1:40 pm each day
Location: CATA 122 W 26th St 7th Floor, New York, NY
Cost: Early Bird: $544.50 (before Nov. 3) $600 after Nov. 3
Registration: Please click here to register for the NYC class at CATA
CEs: 14 - NCBTMB approved course
Note: The NYC workshop has a higher overhead than Oregon, which is reflected in the cost of the class.

Pre-requisites: None. Previous study of Thai massage and Thai medical theory is helpful but not required.

Instructor: I am Naj; your primary instructor for this program. I am the director, founder, instructor, and dish washer of The Naga Center, which I started in 2005. Basically, I am the Naga Center (and much of this website is written first person, in my voice). I have been a massage therapist since I was 21 years old (born in '69, so you can do the maths), and have been traveling to Thailand regularly since 1998 to study traditional Thai Herbal medicine and bodywork and lived there for two years while writing my books on Thai medical theory and herbalism.